BIO Technology
CIE Technology
CIE Electrophoresis
We U&B which specialize in the manufacture of skin care devices have developed
a new class of skin absorption technology by combining biotechnology
with CIE to revitalize your skin and to restore your beautiful and healthy skin.
Through the research and development of specialized skin care devices
based on skin absorption helping skin revitalization, we U&B have developed
world-class research technologies and new products in cosmeceuticals
and medical care in cooperation with research institutes and universities.
CIE's unique biotechnology combination
It is a growth factor protein product produced by our matchless recombinant protein technology all over the world.
We have produced the best quality product based on our world-class biotechnology and protein chemistry.
The principle of Contrastive Therapy is used to maintain homeostasis on the skin surface in contact.
CIE absorption process
U&B Co., Ltd. 10, Yongso-ro 19beon-gil, Nam-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
TEL. +82-51-305-0052 FAX. +82-51-305-8772
E-MAIL web@unbb.kr
ⓒ 2023 by Body Care, Proudly created with U&B